Alfredo Costa Monteiro


studio works




music for rubberbands


Somebody said somewhere:
…John Cage comes to mind – minimal and created with just rubberbands, this release makes for fun listening …


Extract from Rubber Music | hazard records, 1999

rubber music | hazard records, 1998



music for recorded sounds

…everything here, the «anatomy» that makes up the whole, is unmodified domestic sounds…
Catherine C.

…One guesses various electronic effluvia were captured — the hums of household devices — but that swiftly becomes of no concern as the listener is engulfed by the swarm…
Brian Olewnick

…A sort of much more intellectual noise, whilst also taking the piss out of the field recording posse…
Frans de Waard


Extract from Anatomy of inner place | monotype records, 2007

anatomy of inner place | monotype records, 2007



music for computer

…Deep bass, sudden changes, high pitched sounds – nothing here that sounds like a voice. Although divided in larger blocks of sound, the rapid changes that happen every now and then…
Frans de Waard

… Roaring industrial storms explode intermittently and then just as abruptly vanish seconds later, as if gathering energy for the next assault…


Extract from Épicycle | etude records, 2008

Épicycle | etude records, 2008



music for resonant objects

…a large cymbal and resonating/vibrating objects placed to produce an astounding range of tones, overtones and various combinations…
Clifford Allen

… Underlying everything is a persistent low frequency drone—at times reminiscent of a didgeridoo—that provides a solid foundation on which to build, as well as setting the nerves jangling…
John Eyles


Extract from centre of mass | another timbre, 2008

centre of mass | another timbre, 2008



music for paper

…Presented as a single 20-minute track but divided into several discreet sections, he investigates very different sonic areas, from piercing high keens to breathy rumbles…
Brian Olewnick


Extract from Allotropie | bourbaki, 2007

paper music | hazard records, 2001
allotropie | bourbaki, 2007
clair de bée| compost and height 2008



music for percussion

This piece is composed by a series of recorded sounds, all produced by percussion instruments, played by Pilar Subirà. Each recording has been edited, cutting the attack, at the point where the impact disappears and the harmonics start, keeping only the natural resonance and decay of the sound.
Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Barcelona, 2010
…The acoustic sounds glide in a natural way and over the course of fifty minutes build up in quite a dramatic way, moving from one area to another, constantly changing color anddirection.
A minimal work but also one of great beauty and perhaps not that minimal, with all the microscopic, detailed changes…
Frans de Waard


Extract from aura | etude records, 2010

aura | etude records, 2010



music for electric organ

… Taking the instrument’s sonic capabilities for granted, Alfredo Costa Monteiro walks on the edge of drone music by recording a rather strident and edgy 45-minute mass of microtonal organ music. At times mysterious and silent while at times being head-pecking and menacing with rising and falling otherworldly low-frequency stabs, high-pitch sonic fissures and trembling volumes of fine-tuning clusters, «Umbralia» echoes its electroacoustic nature no matter it does not carry any such process…
Themistoklis Pantelopoulos


 Extract from umbralia | triple bath, 2011

umbralia | triple bath, 2011
insula | entr’acte, 2014
endlessness | anòmia, 2018