Alfredo Costa Monteiro


current events




out now!!


on  Marginal Frequency


Transient Spaces as Impermanent Lines
on  Sublime Retreat



In Order To Avoid Disorder (For Instruments And Chance)
on  Inexhaustible editions






upcoming concerts / events



24th: Indivisibilidad, a concert for paper
 Alud! festival , Barcelona

23rd: Morfologías Fluctuantes, an expanded cinema performance
with filmmakers Barbara Ghidini and Antonio Bértolo, at ZumZeig cinema , Barcelona

10th-13rd &17th-20th: Sound for Pieza sin mí a choreography by Constanza Brncic
Antic teatre , Barcelona

5th: live electrocaoustics solo at Out.fest , Lisboa



27th: presenting Morphology of a reminiscence. a radio piece at ZumZeig cinema Barcelona



12th: performing two sound poems Cuc and Atacama and a thrid one, Spectrum with Gerard Altaió
at Poesia i + festival in Caldes d’Estrac, Barcelona
Curated by Eduard Escoffet



21st: performing three sound poems What is What, Atacama, Eco Oco
at Fonovoz festival
at O Culto d’Ajuda, Lisboa
Curated by Rui Torres & Manuel Portela

14th: screening of Asynchronicity
at Museo Hermann Nitsch Belvedere, Napoli
Curated by Raffaella Morra

13th: live electro-acoustic sound for The Sixth Sun
an expanded cinema piece by Luis Macias 
at Fondazione IDIS Città della Scienza Planetario, Napoli
Curated by Raffaella Morra



upcoming releases

nunc – for electroacoustics
on attenuation circuit


morphology of a reminiscence – a radio piece to be released in a fanzine fornat
on small scale music label