Alfredo Costa Monteiro


sound for expanded cinema





macias I costa monteiro


Eón solar

Audiovisual expanded/inmersive performance for 360º panorama screen
Duration 8h ›› 11p.m to 7a.m.


All but we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
Edgar Allan Poe


EON SOLAR is an immersive experience designed for a 360º panorama screen. Its images and sounds explore Nature and man’s cosmovision in its necessity of giving the world a meaning to understand its creation, in order to control it and then, destroy it.
“What happens when our perception is in an intermediate state, between sleep and wakefulness?
We are invaded by a state of hypnagogia or early state of sleep, conducive to creativity and which is also a privileged moment for interpretation and perception.
For eight hours and until dawn, both the artists and the public will experience a particular physical state that will serve as a bridge between dream and reality, through a device with multiple perspectives and viewing angles, in an audio-visual journey to the threshold of consciousness that
promises to be unique.
A specific event for the occasion, which proposes to spend the night among images and sounds




Una línea infinita desdibujando el tiempo
An infinite line blurring time


we shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time
T.S. Eliot


pictures by lucille charon & olivier mouazan




A sun yet to come

Luis Macias: 8 x 35mm slide projectors + 1 x 16mm projector + motor/shutter/lens
Alfredo Costa Monteiro: live electro-acoustics

A sun yet to come.mp4 on Vimeo




Spectral Landscape

A Landscape. Without color and movement.
Only a Landscape.
“At that beautiful moment between reality and dreaming, an incorporeal animal emerges from the darkness and light. Dark, violent and self-assured, it shares its fears of nature’s despair. But don’t be afraid—it’s an animal just like you. Did you see it? Wake up. Open your eyes.”



vila-macias I costa monteiro

Adriana Vila Guevara: 16mm projectors
Luís Macias: 16 mm projectors, modified slide projectors
Alfredo Costa Monteiro: electro-acoustics



This project deals deeply with perception, through loop film flickering images or incandescent light, produced by 16mm projectors, modified slide projectors,  abrasive sound and white noise, produced by home made electronics oscillators, modified radios and acousmatic sounds. Improvisation is essential through the collision of both senses: the eye and the ear submitted to vibration that creates oniric and hypnotic spaces. Intense flickering light and sonic vibration generates phantom images and sounds; what is seen seems no longer stable and what is heard seems to come from our inner ear. Every piece reveals its dramaturgy through experience, according to the comprehension of space that returns those vibrations mixed into air and light waves.
Close to some structural films due to its global narrative, but with the projection being expanded, 3quinox draws a strong link between structural cinema and musique concrète.



Even silence is cause of storm


LOOP, Festival Internacional de Video-Arte, Barcelona, Spain. 2016.
BAINS ARGENTIQUES, Film-Labs meeting Program, Nantes, France , 2016
Festival CurtasBH, Belo Horizonte, Brasil , 2016
DOBRA, Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental, Rio Janeiro, Brasil ,2016
PERÍMETRO EXPANDIDO, Centro Cultura Digital, Mexico DF,  2016
CaSA, Oaxaca, Mexico,  2016
MIDBO, Festival Cine Bogotá, Colombia, 2016
PAF Festival, Olomouc, Chzec Republic, 2016
MONO NO AWARE, New York, USA, 2016
Festival MARGENES, Madrid, Spain, 2016
SCHMALFILMTAGE, Dresden, Germany, 2017
IFFR International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2017
Zumzeig cinema, Barcelona, 2016
Cave 12, Ginebra, Suiza, 2015
Oslo 10, Bassel, Suiza,2105
Cinema Oblo, Lausanne, Suiza, 2105
Le 102, Grenoble, France,2105
Le Periscope, Lyon, France, 2015
(S8) Mostra Cine Periferico, A Coruña, 2014
Sonar Festival, Barcelona, 2014
MEM Festival Internacional de Arte Experimental, Bilbao, 2013
Antic teatre, Barcelona, 2013